Writing a thesis brings thoughts into the real world. Writing in a consistent format provides structure and discipline to the thinking process. A thesis is
Category: Equity Research Process

I am codifying a 7-step process that I have mentally followed for the last fifteen years to help me think in a structured fashion to

Stock Prices can be linked to business fundamentals through one or more Valuation Metrics. When a given valuation metric is found to track (i.e. correlate

You and I use the word “risk” frequently in our lives, without really thinking about its definition or knowing whether others around us think of

Many thanks to Jake Taylor at 5GQ for creating this interview with me. Jake certainly does ask 5 Good Questions. Hope you enjoy it.

Many of you have asked for my book recommendations, so I decided to publish book reviews after first introducing a reading list for value investors.

Here are some of my takeaways from this wonderful talk given by superinvestor (value investor) Mohnish Pabrai last month (October 2016) to a classroom

I am excited to announce a new Black & White Paperback Edition of my book has been published on Amazon.com and is available for purchase

Click on the image below to see my interview on Beyond Quant’s website: Disclosures and Disclaimer